Dairymaster, a world leader in dairy equipment manufacturing, operates from its head office in Causeway, Co. Kerry, Ireland as well as having operations in the UK and USA. Dairymaster has customers in over 40 countries worldwide.

The Sveaverken group is working in the agricultural machinery business towards indoor mechanization and has a long tradition in developing, manufacturing and sales of products to the agriculture both on the Swedish market and export.

Since 1947 KRAIBURG has been known as a well-reputed company in the Rubber Business and has been establishing itself by a wide product-range, by specialisation, by high-quality compounds and future-oriented developments as an irreplaceable partner for all rubber-processing branches.

Founded in 1960 by Augusto Supertino as a private company Supertino until today has never stopped its growth. Thanks to the knowledge of the founder about the agricultural world, the company is grown during years answering at best to the needs of the farmers.

Since 1948 Stella is the loyal and quality partner of farmers and manufacturers of agricultural machineries across the world. The long tradition permits to Stella to export the italian know how in the agricultural, gardening and in many sectors where it’s necessary an high level of performance in cutting solutions.