Swing-Over parlours are the specialty of Dairymaster. The Dairymaster Swiftflo milking system is one of the most efficient, comfortable and cow friendly systems available. Underneath its visually appealing exterior is some of the most extensively researched and technologically advanced milking equipment in the world. Progressive dairy farmers choose the Dairymaster Swiftflo Milking system based on its ease of operation, efficiency and high throughput.
Many options are available to fit the parlour on your wishes and situation. Our professionals can inform and advice you about the design of the parlour.
Options are:
- The Swiftflo Bailing carefully holds cows in position during milking. Swiftflo Bailing is the ulimate means of individual cow control as it ensures that all cows load into position quickly and safely and that they line up for milking in the exact order in which they enter the plant. When milking is complete the bailing system lifts clear of the cows ensuring they have the optimum amount of space in order to make a rapid exit.
- Feeding system for automatical individual feeding and as appetizer
- Milk diversion line where milk can be diverted at the touch of a button. This is an excellent labour saver
- Milk meters ICAR approved for accuracy and proportional milk sampling, On the display are many options available
- The Dairymaster Voice Assist enables the parlour to communicate directly to the operator during milking using voice and audio messages