The Dairymaster AutoWasher is designed for all types of milking installation. It is neatly constructed in a stainless steel enclosure into which both valves and controls are fully integrated. This is normally mounted above an optional stainless steel wash trough. The AutoWasher takes over the work of washing the milking plant, which can typically reduce labour by op to an hour per day. When an AutoWasher is installed it functions as a complete control console for the milking machine. It has the ability to start and stop the complete milking plant as required.
- Wash sequences are fully programmable and can be easily adjusted by the user
- Controlled with 12V, which is safer in a moist environment
- Easy to choose the right rinsing program by one push on the button
- Possibility to program three rinse-cycli which start automatically at the set time
- There is an in-built warning indicator which makes sure that the wash does not start unless the program is set on the rinse-setting
- An alarmlight will occur when there is an error, for example a low level of detergent
With an operator’s time becoming more valuable every day, the time saving can be extremely beneficial and optimisation of chemical usage and water utilisation have obvious financial advantages.